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(Channel News Asia-TNI Angkatan Laut-KRI Bung Tomo): More than 40 bodies found at Pangkalan Bun #QZ8501

3.06PM: Search officials are concerned that currents in the waters could cause the debris to spread before the teams arrive, reports CNN.
2.49PM: Singapore's Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim posts a message of support for the loved ones of those on board the flight.
2.42PM: Next-of-kin of those on board QZ8501 will be flown to the search area on Wednesday, says the CEO of AirAsia Indonesia.
2.32PM: Plane debris has been sighted in waters near Borneo, reports Wall Street Journal, citing Indonesia's Civil Aviation director-general. WSJ adds that three pieces of the debris are red and white in colour.
2.26PM: The search team saw "red and white-coloured debris off the Kalimantan coast, Reuters quotes an Indonesian Transport Ministry official as saying. Our reporter adds that the photos of purported debris resemble a life jacket, and are calling to verify.
2.24PM: The Indonesia Air Force says they spotted" about 10 big objects, more small white objects".
2.10PM: Indonesia's BASARNAS Air Vice Marshall S Sunarbowo told Channel NewsAsia photos of purported plane debris were taken on Monday (Dec 29), and helicopters were sent to verify them on Tuesday.
1.46PM: New Zealand air force P3 Orion aircraft will join the search. It will operate under the instruction of Indonesian authorities, reports Bernama.
1.36PM: Officials are attempting to verify possible debris spotted by fishermen off Pulau Bangka. Items resembling an emergency slide and plane door were seen during the search, reports AFP.