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(CNA) In First Day of 2015, the best frogmen of the TNI starting to find victims of AirAsia

11.10PM: The Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), General Moeldoko said he has sent the best frogmen of the TNI to find victims of AirAsia. "On behalf of TNI, our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the victims and families of the AirAsia disaster QZ8501," he tweeted.
10.20PM: Our reporter in Surabaya, Sumisha Naidu spoke to Captain Otto, a family friend of the pilot of QZ8501, Captain Irianto. "His family is so shocked. His wife until now she thinks he's still alive," he said. Captain Otto incidentally knows Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah who had piloted the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
9.40PM: Tweets from Malaysia's Navy Chief and Defence Minister indicate crew on Malaysia's navy ships found the evacuation slide of QZ8501.
9.30PM: Singapore's Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen thanks servicemen and women working over the New Year for QZ8501 recovery efforts. The RSS Kallang - a fifth Republic of Singapore Navy ship set sail for the search area today.
8.30PM: Our reporters Saifulbahri Ismail and Xabryna Kek have arrived in Pangkalan Bun and encountered bad weather travelling there from Jakarta. They spotted the Indonesian air force's C-130 parked on the tarmac.
7.50PM: AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes on the search for more bodies and plane wreckage: "The weather unfortunately is not looking good for the next two or three days. That is slowing us down. But they did inform me that the ships are looking to operate 24 hours, which is very encouraging, and they are moving all the assets to the two spots which they think the aircraft could be.
7.30PM: Here's what we know about the two bodies brought to Surabaya - one of them is that of a 1.6 metres-tall woman, and the other is that of a boy, who is 1.4 metres.
7.00PM: Crew on Malaysia's navy ships have helped retrieve four bodies at the QZ8501 debris site, the Malaysian Chief of Navy tweeted. The bodies were brought on board the Royal Malaysian Navy's KD Pahang and KD Lekir.
6.40PM: AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes confirms that the main wreckage of the plane has not been found, and there is no sonar image of the plane. He will not confirm or deny reports on life jackets, only stating that there is a lot of speculation. The Surabaya Crisis Centre near the airport where he held a news conference will close tonight and be reopened near the hospital.
6PM: The first Super Puma sortie from Singapore's RSS Persistence took off at 3.30pm, but was aborted after just an hour due to bad weather, according to our field reporter Lam Shushan. Meanwhile, RSN divers on board MV Swift Rescue are preparing for a search and rescue mission. They will work in teams of six once they arrive at the search site tomorrow afternoon.
5.55PM: Some updates regarding search operations today - according to Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Agency, no bodies were found wearing a life jacket. Rather, a body of a male was found near a life jacket, reports
5.30PM: Two bodies retrieved from the search have arrived in Surabaya.
5.10PM: Singapore’s MV Swift Rescue will deploy a Remotely Operated Vehicle when it reaches the QZ8501 search site tomorrow. The vehicle will search underwater for the aircraft's main fuselage and black box.