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(Jakarta Post) Airbus offers technical assistance related to QZ8501

Pan-European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has offered to provide assistance in regard to the loss of AirAsia Indonesia flight QZ8501 as rescuers recover bodies and debris believed to be from the ill-fated Airbus A320-200.
"With safety as its prime concern, Airbus reaffirms its full commitment to providing all necessary technical assistance to the investigating authorities in order to establish the cause of this tragic accident." the Toulouse, France-based manufacturer said in a statement posted on its website.
Airbus said that it had been informed by the Indonesian authorities that the accident site of flight QZ 8501 had been located.
"The company wishes to offer the sincere sympathies of its management and staff to all those who have been affected by the loss of this aircraft," it said in the statement.
"In line with international convention, the official investigation into this accident is being led by the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee [KNKT], which will be supported by relevant international safety agencies. These include the French safety investigation authority BEA, which is an accredited party representing the state of design and manufacture of the aircraft."
Airbus added that the release of all further information related to the progress of the investigation and the publication of findings would be undertaken by the KNKT.
The narrow-body airliner was declared missing on Sunday at 7:55 a.m. and Air Force aircraft identified debris and bodies on Tuesday afternoon.
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