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(strait times) Jokowi: I'm very proud for Kaesang achievement


Indonesian President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana flew economy class into Singapore on Friday with a 10-men entourage to attend his youngest child's graduation ceremony at Anglo-Chinese School (International).

The two, accompanied by Indonesia's ambassador to Singapore Andri Hadi, proudly watched their youngest son Kaesang Pangarep, 19, go onstage on Friday evening to receive his certificate for completing his International Baccalaureate diploma at ACSI.

He was among 146 receiving certificates at the ceremony attended by an audience of some 600, including parents, school staff, embassy and security officials.

Mr Kaesang is the youngest of Mr Joko's three children; the 53-year-old president has an older son, Gibran Rakabuming, 27, and a daughter Kahiyang Ayu, 23.