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(Tempo) Samad: KPK had "RED-FLAGGED" BG on investigation track-record for Ministerial
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) tzar Abraham Samad said his institution had red-flagged Comr. Gen. Budi Gunawan when President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo asked the anti-graft body to investigate the track records of ministerial candidates.
“When [President Jokowi] proposed names for ministerial [candidates], Budi Gunawan was on the list and the KPK had been working on his case. We red-flagged him, so it would be a problem if [Budi] advanced,” Abraham said at his office on Tuesday, January 13, 2015.
Abraham added the investigation into Budi had been afoot for a long time, and that Jokowi should not appoint him as the police chief even if he was a sole candidate.
Abraham admitted the KPK had been refraining from revealing the fact that Budi had a fat bank account. He also said he had tried to communicate with Jokowi after the KPK named Budi as a suspect in graft cases on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. However, Abraham said that Jokowi has yet to give any response.
Budi Gunawan has been named as a suspect in alleged graft and bribery cases when he was serving as a bureau head at the National Police. The anti-graft commission charged Budi with multiple articles of the Law Number 31/1999 juncto Law Number 20/2001 on corruption eradication juncto Article 55 (1) of the Criminal Code.